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Rent / Lease

Finding a new home to rent can be time-consuming and discouraging. Many of the websites you search show you homes that have already been rented. Working with an agent can save you time and frustration. We can send you lists of homes that are available now and help you schedule appointments to see them. We'd love to help you and your family find your new home!

Additionally, if you have your first and last month's rent deposit saved and ready to use on a new rental, you may be surprised to learn that you have enough to put down on a lease-purchase as well! We love helping people who thought they were stuck renting realize their dreams of homeownership! We work with several programs to fit a variety of budgets and timelines. These are not the dangerous and expensive lease-options of the past, instead these are programs designed to help people bridge the gap between renting and owning. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, send us a message via our contact page today to request more info!

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